The April meeting has been moved to Friday, 4/10/15 due to the Easter weekend holidays.
Birthday club - Since I was late posting the March meeting info - don't forget Erica (purple), our newest member, whose birthday in January. April birthdays include Cheryl (6 of the same civil war fabric) and Bonnie (scrappy).
Our next round of Birthday Club will start in June...any suggestions on sizes/shapes?
Fussy Cutting Challenge - Quite a few members had finished their projects or shared their in-progress projects. Looking forward to seeing more finished projects at the April meeting.
LeftRight Game - Bring a pastel fat quarter to exchange in our monthly game.
Logo Project - Rosettes for the group project are due at the April meeting. Hopefully everyone will have them finished so we can decide on a layout and figure out what we need for setting diamonds. If you have the 2nd rosette made into something already we would love to see it!
Out & About - dates are still to be finalized:
September - hexie quilt show upstairs at the Arts Council for their 40th anniversary
Winter 2015/16 - quilt show at the Warsaw YMCA
Snacks - Bring something yummy!
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